Tyler fall 2011

Tyler fall 2011

little t

little t
The many faces of Tyler T

Big T little t

Big T little t

Monday, June 21, 2010

Teresa and Ken

Teresa and Ken were married in beautiful Convict Lake California on August 8, 2009.  I have know Teresa since she was a little girl and photographing her wedding just seemed natural to me since I feel like part of the Fox family.  And telling them what to do was came natural to me since I used to babysit them.  If you ask Teresa she will say I was her favorite sitter, but they were my favorite kids to babysit as they were just as much fun as adults to photograph.  Just as beautiful as when they were kids.  Congrats Teresa and Ken! 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Extreme Outlaw Race

Jason Sacks races in the Extreme Outlaw race June 19, 2010. He came in second place in his class. Way to go Jason! I thought these photos were fun and thought I would share.

Johnny and Vanessa

Johnny and Vanessa DuFresne were married on May 1, 2010. What a great couple they are and what fun to photograph. I have known Johnny for as long as I can remember and Vanessa makes you feel as if you have known her forever also. Congratulations to a beautiful couple. I hope that you enjoy your wedding photos as much as I enjoyed working with you on that beautiful day.

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