Tyler fall 2011

Tyler fall 2011

little t

little t
The many faces of Tyler T

Big T little t

Big T little t

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wild Horses of Nevada

On our way home today from basketball practice we came across
 these beautiful wild horses.
Coming down the canyon four of the five horses had crossed the road 
leaving this mare by herself.

She kept calling to her "family" and they were calling back.

They were on the other side of the canyon heading up the hill.
They turned around and started towards her and us.  
When they came up the hill they didn't realize that
we were there.
When they saw us they were not afraid or startled at all.

I was surprised that the other two mares and
the colt came down the mountain and up the other side
leaving the stallion alone.
He eventually followed his family.

I see the wild horses sometimes daily.
I was thrilled today to have my camera and the 
time to just hang out with these beautiful