Tyler fall 2011

Tyler fall 2011

little t

little t
The many faces of Tyler T

Big T little t

Big T little t

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

13 Years and counting.....

Today my wonderful husband and I celebrate our 13th Wedding Anniversary.
We met May 24th 1996 and were married 2 years later,
May 24th 1998.

Happy anniversary honey!  And thank you for the best years of my life!
I look forward to celebrating many more years of happiness with you!

I love you!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Project 52 Week 21 ~ Unusually Beautiful

My unusually beautiful subject is this old mining town
Virginia City Nevada, also known as home!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Birthday Boy!

After spending the day with my son at school on his birthday we went out for a "quick" photo shoot.  

A hundred or so photos later we had our photos to commemorate his 7th birthday. 

The wind was blowing, and it was a bit chilly but his smile never dimmed.
I think it was because he couldn't wait for the next day and his party.

Thank you Ty for the great smiles!  I love you!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Project 52 Week 20 ~ My Everyday Life

My husband, my son and myself ~ my everyday life!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Project 52 Week 19 ~ Randomosity

My randomosity is in honor of my only child's 7th birthday,
7 candles for 7 years!

Happy Birthday Tyler!

Happy Birthday Tyler

Today my only child turns 7 years old!  
It seems like only yesterday I was holding him in my arms for the very first time.
What a joy he has been.
Over the past seven years he has been my best and most willing (most of the time) model. 
He smiles on cue, and if he sees a camera pointed at him he immediately pauses and smiles!

I have trained him well....

He loves everything and everyone.  He is truly a gift in more ways than one.

Today I would like to take a moment to thank my sister Leslie who helped us achieve the
unbelievable gift we call parenthood by financing the many in-vitro treatments.

So, thank you Leslie!

And Happy Birthday to my one and only!
I love you Tyler!
You are a joy and I am proud to be your mommy!

Sunday, May 1, 2011