Tyler fall 2011

Tyler fall 2011

little t

little t
The many faces of Tyler T

Big T little t

Big T little t

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Tyler

Today my only child turns 7 years old!  
It seems like only yesterday I was holding him in my arms for the very first time.
What a joy he has been.
Over the past seven years he has been my best and most willing (most of the time) model. 
He smiles on cue, and if he sees a camera pointed at him he immediately pauses and smiles!

I have trained him well....

He loves everything and everyone.  He is truly a gift in more ways than one.

Today I would like to take a moment to thank my sister Leslie who helped us achieve the
unbelievable gift we call parenthood by financing the many in-vitro treatments.

So, thank you Leslie!

And Happy Birthday to my one and only!
I love you Tyler!
You are a joy and I am proud to be your mommy!

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