Tyler fall 2011

Tyler fall 2011

little t

little t
The many faces of Tyler T

Big T little t

Big T little t

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Hayli!!!

I would like to wish my sweet little niece a Happy Birthday.

Hayli Brianna Charlesworth was born on March 30, 1999 in Tacoma Washington to Wynter and Allan Charlesworth.

She has always had a beautiful smile, a sparkle in her eyes and a feisty personality     (I like to think she gets that from me).

Today my little Hayli turns 12 years old and I wanted to share a few photos of her!  
The first three photos were taken at her very first photo shoot where we changed her into many different outfits.  She was a great sport right from the start.

Where has the time gone?

We love you Hayli!

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jacobson / Charlesworth Wedding Rehearsal



When I was first asked about photographing Megan's wedding I thought what a great opportunity to spend some time with my sister, brother in law, niece and nephew.  But when my sister agreed to fly not only me to Colorado but my best friend and fellow photographer Carey of Carey Sims Photography how could I say no.  I was also thrilled to meet the family of my brother in law, spend some time with my family, my friend and to be able to work with Carey.  It was a whirl wind trip that was full of fun, laughs, snow, a beautiful bride and two great families.  

These are just a few photos of the rehearsal.  


Project 52 Week 13

The calendar says spring, the weather says not.  
In my back yard today I found my first sign of spring.

Hoping for spring.

Spring in Nevada


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Project 52 Week 12

**Numbers, symbols and words**

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011